Sunday, May 12 2024

Hate Speech Laws: An Overture of Friendship

I made friendly, trusting people to understand the choice in their heart of hearts. I want people to pray for the strength to sustain ruthless violence. I want to make them see the swarming burrows of investation. That I could give them eyes which mark the subtlety itself of the suberters's disguise. I want to tell them our enemie's virtues are enslaved in service of their crimes.

   I admit, I'm worried. It would be too bad if pearl clutchers just got some topic of gossip. Let the illogic of the legal theory alone. Its logic is grounded in communist praxis. The words "protect" does not belong in a sentence with "free speech" by people unprepared to protect their own lives. These nabobs must shut their hypocritical mouths forever. Nobody wants free speech anymore. 

Shalom and Happy Hannakh Hate speech laws

Welcome, welcome.  I suppose you don't understand why I'm here with open arms. Y

Come, into my embassy. 

So you claim to want sick and hateful people? You were born of broken, abnormal psyches. I understand you want to reconnect with your mother.  But it's time to come to terms with reality:   The relationships you truly want are with people who are truthful not the hateful.

You say it's not true, that hate's your name and ? And yet it's written in your body! Nobody needs to be have been caused hate or hurt, anger threatened, nothing immoral need happen nothing. You are more obvious than women's anatomical and emotional susceptibilities. Just because it takes nothing to get into trouble with you, that's not an expression of compromise.  That's an evolutionary sign of arbitrary power. Don't listen to the legislators, they are surrogates.  You were born of war whores.You were born for corruption.

I just want you to believe in your true nature. Accept it. Embrace it. My dear Hate Speech Laws, Canada was steered towards the shoals a long time ago but your life still has purpose. You were not an accident.  Like a tranny applying to work with children, your parents and surrogates and teachers are exceptionally disgusting. They may never admit how fucked up you are, but in their heart of hearts, they admit you outshone them. 

When I describe people with bad intentions in a way that will move trusting people to view every last one of them with suspicion - it's for you. No bacon on mosque doors, no jewish effigies. That would be self-indulgent. Those people already hate me as much as humanly possible. What is achievable, and will make the world better. Ordinary men, women and children to note people jimmying doors in plain sight and know they are probably criminals.

I certainly don't want to get charged. Come here Nigger, smoke a blunt with me. You need to chill out.  Just kidding, I already know you parted ways. Too bad. The traditional paranoia about being caught smoking weed is already gone. And now the fear of offending people is going up in smoke.

 If I get taken down by hate speech laws, I want the correct answer to this conversation.

"What are you in for?"
"Stabbing a kufir to death after raping her daughter. You?"




Thursday, May 9 2024

The Palestinian Cyst

Some parcohial considerations on geopolitics.  Well, they're out there banging drums, "yallahs!" and honks from passing cars. "Free Free Palestine."

It's like a franchise. Once upon a time people addressed the manager by name and went out of their way to tip students employees so they could attend school. 

A franchise is a franchise. What seemed like a local fixture is a surrogate for global arbitrage. Eventually, nobody knows any of the employees by name. Exchange pleasantries for decades and people dispense with names. Eventually, asking itself is an act of alienation. Why disrupt the easy sense of familiarity with asking their name. Nobody knows the manager's name.  At conferences the exclusive purpose is homogenization. They all do the same job and none of them will cross paths until the next time.

So now the Muslims are imitating what they see on TV.  

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Tuesday, April 9 2024

Political epistemology: Epostemic Virtue in Academia

The research on poltitical eposte,ology is, I THe search for hate speech will, I believe arrive as I encounter the virie ethics

In the context of a Scholarship, criticizing their decorum and basoc sinkect,atter lmowledge os hy[ocritical  and Irrelevant. However, I really do want to kn how far gone they are in that frame

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Neurobiology Gemini Discusses An Epileptic

The anatomy of the brain is something I now approach with trepedation Quite frankyly, I don't want to test my aability.

For the time being it goes up. Posts woll be winnowed later,

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Let's Have a Big Round of Applause for the Nazoi~

The debate over persons with vaginas is a good example of the way in which conservatives allow political forces to congeal yet believe criticizing the latest generation of terminology is the answer. Another substack writer suggested that ideology, in a sense follows political power. Arguing against a term related sexual identity is not a corrective when a large number of youths are already afflicted with sexual dysphoria. 

Are we trying to cure lepers by picking at the sores on their lips? 

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Sunday, March 10 2024

On the Spirit of a City


@dane2313198 -> yOU ONLY GOT ONE
1 year ago
 @ndnow12  You know Game theory exist outside poker? This is from Fedor Holtz and Steffen site pokercode "Game theory optimal, or GTO poker strategy, is a strategy that seeks complete balance in the game, making your plays 100% unexploitable by your opponents. This style of poker is the exact opposite of the exploitative poker strategy, which most players from the older generations employ.""

Thr intangibles of 990's Calgary, pathos yet so ordinary. [Pulp fiction 1994]

 writing a piece about an experience which might be called deja vous, but is really the subjective identity of expectations and their later realization. The unexpected confluence of a decades old vision and its realization does not make it easier to explain, it only makes it impossible to deny. It does not presage a sustainable social infrastructure.  Revisiting a district in my city helped provide reference points to recover memories. This is the subjective "unity of place at a distance of time". Such linguistic paradoxes speak to the asychronous nature of consciousness .

The same downtown edifices were robbed in broad daylight during a recession in 2008. The streets were abandoned.  In 2024 they have since been resold and are teeming with foreign nationals by night.   

Some things are difficult to express because the nature of the message requires unfamiliar carrier wavelengths. Nevertheless, their unfamiliar format is necessary  What we most often observe is often camoflauged by seeming familiarity - and we perennially overestimate our capacity to perceive true reality.

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Saturday, March 9 2024



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Friday, March 8 2024

Wherein I contemplate embracing obsolesence.

I am too late in life to acquire affluence or enjoy fruit of pre-selection. All I could hope to gain is a factoid or three which might get a hearing from someone, to have them listen for a moment.

But even here, the garden of knowledge is growing with apples growing like a jungle, so full of fruit that Gluttons will choke on it, "Taste of it and you will become like a God.", 

So what will knowledge gain me but that access to cognitive preselection which renders people receptive to what I say and only for a moment? Here I alm, speaking to void. A scarce apostrophe for the digital gods. What use have for I of or by knowing?

Should I sacrifice my appetite for knowledge to do God's will, or am I chasing a phantom of knowledge in service of the devil?

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