May 2024 (4)

Saturday, May 18 2024

I don't live in Canada

A Canadian city?

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Coordinated Targeted Attacks take scores not thousamds to parylize a state.

2 man groups in 50 cities. At the same time. Normally distributed,  22 minutes in.

No emedding yet,  It's a religious war. Body count at any given stage 

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Sunday, May 12 2024

Hate Speech Laws: An Overture of Friendship

I made friendly, trusting people to understand the choice in their heart of hearts. I want people to pray for the strength to sustain ruthless violence. I want to make them see the swarming burrows of investation. That I could give them eyes which mark the subtlety itself of the suberters's disguise. I want to tell them our enmity includes all their virtues enslaved in service of their crimes.


"Definition of “hate speech”

The Bill would define “hate speech” in the CHRA and empower individuals and groups to file complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against users who post hate speech online. As part of the proposed amendments, “hate speech” would be defined based on Supreme Court of Canada decisions. The Bill defines “hate speech” as the content of a communication that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of prohibited grounds of discrimination."

...3 (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.


Welcome, welcome.  I suppose you don't understand why I'm here with open arms. 

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Thursday, May 9 2024

The Palestinian Cyst

Some parcohial considerations on geopolitics.  Well, they're out there banging drums, "yallahs!" and honks from passing cars. "Free Free Palestine."

It's like a franchise. Once upon a time people addressed the manager by name and went out of their way to tip students employees so they could attend school. 

A franchise is a franchise. What seemed like a local fixture is a surrogate for global arbitrage. Eventually, nobody knows any of the employees by name. Exchange pleasantries for decades and people dispense with names. Eventually, asking itself is an act of alienation. Why disrupt the easy sense of familiarity with asking their name. Nobody knows the manager's name.  At conferences the exclusive purpose is homogenization. They all do the same job and none of them will cross paths until the next time.

So now the Muslims are imitating what they see on TV.  

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